If the answer to your question is not on this page, please contact our account managers.
You get access to our scalable cloud infrastructure including hosting, incremental daily backups on two continents, email integration, top notch security, 24/7 monitoring and a control center to manage your Odoo environment. Your Odoo instance is upgraded on demand to benefit from new features at your convenience.
You get access to our support by email or live chat in application. Our support teams are available from Monday to Friday, 24/5, in English and French.
A user is defined as an employee or a supplier who has or will have access to Odoo in create and/or edit mode. External users (such as clients or suppliers who are portal users) are not counted in the number of users. For example:
We provide functional support and technical support 24/5, in English through email. A dedicated consultant is available in our Success Packs only.
Some Apps are a built on the top of others. This may result in the installation of another App. Example: E-commerce depends on the Website and Sales apps. As soon as you activate E-commerce, you will then be invoiced for Sales, Website and E-commerce.
Customized Apps give you access to a fully-customized version of Odoo Apps, with fields, reports and screens tailored to your needs. In addition, with the Custom apps options and our success packs, our consultants will carry out these customizations for you. Most importantly, we guarantee to maintain these changes and upgrade them with each Odoo upgrade. Customization does not include ad hoc development work.
Fill in the above form and the page will offer you the best Success Pack according to your needs. According to our experience with preceding projects, we recommend the right business pack so that 80% of our customers can deploy Odoo successfully for the required scope with one success pack only.
The main reason why a customer may have to buy an extra Success Pack for the initial implementation: data to import are not clean (or huge volumes), customer asks way more customization than the average, company requires more coaching than the average.
Some customers also buy extra Success Packs even if they are fully using Odoo because they want to make their solution evolve over time. (company needs are evolving)
Yes, our support team will guide you and recommend the right setup depending on how you plan to manage your emails using the same domain.
We offer some apps for free of extra charges except the price per user. (e.g. Survey, Marketing automation, Notes, Discuss, Chat, Employees, etc.)
Some other apps are bundled in Website (e.g. Blog, Forum, Live chat, Slides, etc.) and don't appear as such in the pricing page.